What we do
Every project we do is built around the specific context and needs of each client, but we use a consistent set of tactics to help us throughout our work to transform relationships, power, and work. We draw on a diverse set of methods to:
- Make different kinds of conversations possible
- Translate between different disciplines and domains
- Recognise and articulate the complexity of systems
- Build and nurture caring and committed relationships
- Work in the open and build capacity within teams
- Provide external critique that is constructive, specific, and generative
- Support the development of reflective and reflexive practice
- Envision and dream potential futures
- Analyse systems of oppression and develop strategies to shift them
These tactics are likely to shift over time, as the systems around us change and as our practice develops. We draw on a common core of skills in using these tactics from a variety of different disciplines, including games design, research, facilitation, service design, and evaluation and learning.
Get in touch if you want to chat about how we could apply these tactics in your context.