
Our research services allow you to step back and see your programme, service, strategy or policy from different points of view. We are multi-disciplinary researchers and our practice is based in principles of equity and participation. We offer:

  • qualitative research
  • primary and secondary research
  • service evaluation
  • participatory engagement
  • quantitative data analysis

As facilitators and experienced research practitioners, we can help you find insights through dialogue, engagement, and exploring existing data.

Our research services are particularly useful for:

  • Working in solidarity: You want to apply and uphold principles of inclusivity, equity and meaningful engagement in your research or engagement.
  • Skills development: You want to develop skills and mindsets for things like co-production, co-design or inclusive engagement. We can carry out research or engagement for your organisation and work alongside you to develop your skills with hands-on, in-context experience.
  • Consultancy: You want to ethically integrate participatory methods and widen inclusion in your data analysis, engagement or design work, or you need to fill a skills or resource gap for your research project.

Read our case studies to find out more about how we work and our previous research projects.


Our day rate is £800.

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